C (34/301)

From:Ben Hutchings
Date:15 Aug 99 at 01:15:30
Subject:Re: Re: Accessing Broken SCSI

From: Ben Hutchings <womble@zzumbouk.demon.co.uk>

On Sat, Aug 14, 1999 at 08:14:29PM -0500, Jack York wrote:
> How do I get the correct size for each read?

You would have to understand the file-system itself.

> Also, is there a better way to look for the files instead of the strstr
> above? It works, but the result is a file with all of the found files
> joined together. It would be nice to know where one ends and another
> begins instead of manually.

The files may not even be contiguous. You should try to find out what
the parameters of the partition are, create a mountlist with the
appropriate settings, and mount the partition. Even if the file-
system is damaged, this will allow you to run a standard file recovery
program such as DiskSalv.

Ben Hutchings - womble@zzumbouk.demon.co.uk, http://www.zzumbouk.demon.co.uk
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